Stinky job, but needed to be done. We were noticing more and more head odor in the boat, so we replaced all of the sanitation hose. The hose ain't cheap. I think we paid $8/foot, for Trident 101/102 premium hose (white) from Defender. I'll let the pictures do most of the talking.
Holding tank under the v-berth. The outlet from the tank is forward. Note the "T": The vertical hose goes up to the deck pumpout fitting, and the hose heading off to the left (port) goes to the pump, the vented loop, and then to the thru-hull.

The tank's intake hose (discharge from the toilet) is on the aft side. The discharge hose along the port side connected through the whale pump, through the port side of the v-berth, to a vented loop in the hanging locker, and finally to the thru-hull / seacock.
Here's the overboard discharge on the port side. Discharging untreated waste is illegal almost everywhere now.

New sanitation hose in place. We eliminated the "T" for the overboard discharge. This had the added benefit of reducing cost, because we would have needed another 15' or so of hose.

No more overboard pumpout. I temporarily capped off the seacock. Long term plan is to use the seacock for a washdown pump.

Job complete, panel back in place. The panel shown here is about 8" below the v-berth surface, providing some storage beneath the v-berth. This panel was the hardest part of the job: the screws holding it in place were painted over and countersunk, so they stripped very easily. I had to drill the heads off a few of them.

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